The Merchant of Venice - William Shakespeare

The Merchant of Venice - William Shakespeare


Shylock agrees to lend Antonio money, but when Antonio falls into bad fortune, a dramatic trial ensues to decide his fate.





Track Listing

Track #TitleArtistLength
1Act 1 Scene 1: In sooth, I know not why I am so sad:Anthony Sher, Roger Allam, Emma Fielding9:55
2Act 1 Scene 2: By my troth, Nerissa, my little body is aweary...Anthony Sher, Roger Allam, Emma Fielding7:20
3Act 1 Scene 3: Three thousand ducats; well.Anthony Sher, Roger Allam, Emma Fielding6:08
4Signior Antonio, many a time and oft...Anthony Sher, Roger Allam, Emma Fielding4:06
5Act 2 Scene 1: Mislike me not for my complexion...Anthony Sher, Roger Allam, Emma Fielding2:26
6Act 2 Scene 2: Certainly my conscience...Anthony Sher, Roger Allam, Emma Fielding4:21
7Nay, indeed, if you had your eyes, you might fail of...Anthony Sher, Roger Allam, Emma Fielding4:19
8Father, in. I cannot get a service, no;Anthony Sher, Roger Allam, Emma Fielding2:49
9Act 2 Scene 3: Launcelot I am sorry thou wilt leave my father so:Anthony Sher, Roger Allam, Emma Fielding1:15
10Act 2 Scene 4: Nay, we will slink away in supper-time,Anthony Sher, Roger Allam, Emma Fielding1:50
11Act 2 Scene 5: Well Launcelot, thou shalt see,Anthony Sher, Roger Allam, Emma Fielding3:16
12Act 2 Scene 6: This is the pent-house under which Lorenzo...Anthony Sher, Roger Allam, Emma Fielding1:32
13Here, catch this casket; it is worth the pains.Anthony Sher, Roger Allam, Emma Fielding1:49
14Act 2 Scene 7: Go draw aside the curtains and discover...Anthony Sher, Roger Allam, Emma Fielding5:04
15O hell! what have we here?Anthony Sher, Roger Allam, Emma Fielding1:23
16Act 2 Scene 8: Why, man, I saw Bassanio under sail:Anthony Sher, Roger Allam, Emma Fielding2:27
17Act 2 Scene 9: Quick, quick, I pray thee; draw the curtain straight:Anthony Sher, Roger Allam, Emma Fielding6:48
18Act 3 Scene 1: Now, what news on the Rialto Salerino?Anthony Sher, Roger Allam, Emma Fielding2:13
19To bait fish withal:Anthony Sher, Roger Allam, Emma Fielding5:17
20Act 3 Scene 2: I pray you, tarry: pause a day or two...Anthony Sher, Roger Allam, Emma Fielding4:39
21Tell me where is fancy bred...Anthony Sher, Roger Allam, Emma Fielding6:52
22You see me, Lord Bassanio, where I stand...Anthony Sher, Roger Allam, Emma Fielding9:56
23Act 3 Scene 3: Gaoler, look to him: tell not of Mercy...Anthony Sher, Roger Allam, Emma Fielding2:05
24Act 3 Scene 4: Portia, although I speak it in your presence...Anthony Sher, Roger Allam, Emma Fielding3:56
25Act 3 Scene 5: Yes, truly; for, look you the sins of the father...Anthony Sher, Roger Allam, Emma Fielding4:28
26Act 4 Scene 1: What, is Antonio here?Anthony Sher, Roger Allam, Emma Fielding4:42
27What judgment shall I dread, doing.Anthony Sher, Roger Allam, Emma Fielding4:58
28The quality of mercy is not strain’d.Anthony Sher, Roger Allam, Emma Fielding6:44
29We trifle time: I pray thee, pursue sentence...Anthony Sher, Roger Allam, Emma Fielding4:34
30What mercy can you render him, Antonio?Anthony Sher, Roger Allam, Emma Fielding4:36
31Act 4 Scene 2: Inquire the Jew’s house out, Nerissa...Anthony Sher, Roger Allam, Emma Fielding1:02
32Act 5 Scene 1: The moon shines bright: in such a night as this,Anthony Sher, Roger Allam, Emma Fielding6:09
33That is the voice, or I am much deceived, of Portia...Anthony Sher, Roger Allam, Emma Fielding5:30
34Let not that doctor e’er come near my house...Anthony Sher, Roger Allam, Emma Fielding4:59