Twelfth Night - William Shakespeare

Twelfth Night - William Shakespeare


The tale of separated brother and sister twins – Sebastian and Viola – and their love entanglements.





Track Listing

Track #TitleArtistLength
1Act I Scene 1 Orsino’s Palace Enter OrsinoStella Gonet, Gerard Murphy and full cast3:44
2Act I Scene 2 The sea-coast of Illyria Enter Viola, a Captain Stella Gonet, Gerard Murphy and full cast3:31
3Act I Scene 3 A room in Olivia’s house Enter Sir Toby Belch and Maria Stella Gonet, Gerard Murphy and full cast6:33
4Act I Scene 4 Orsino’s Palace Enter Valentine and Viola Stella Gonet, Gerard Murphy and full cast2:01
5Act I Scene 5 Olivia’s house Enter Maria and FesteStella Gonet, Gerard Murphy and full cast7:39
6OLIVIA: Give me my veilStella Gonet, Gerard Murphy and full cast5:00
7VIOLA: Make me a willow cabinStella Gonet, Gerard Murphy and full cast2:37
8Act II Scene 1 The sea-coast of Illyria Enter Antonio and Sebastian Stella Gonet, Gerard Murphy and full cast2:36
9Act II Scene 2 A street near Olivia’s house Enter Viola and MalvolioStella Gonet, Gerard Murphy and full cast0:48
10VIOLA: I left no ring with herStella Gonet, Gerard Murphy and full cast1:38
11Act II Scene 3 A room in Olivia’s house Enter Sir Toby and Sir AndrewStella Gonet, Gerard Murphy and full cast2:11
12FESTE: O Mistress mineStella Gonet, Gerard Murphy and full cast3:25
13MALVOLIO: My Masters are you madStella Gonet, Gerard Murphy and full cast5:08
14Act II Scene 4 Orsino’s Palace Enter Duke Orsino, Viola, Curio Stella Gonet, Gerard Murphy and full cast2:37
15FESTE: Come Away DeathStella Gonet, Gerard Murphy and full cast2:37
16ORSINO: Once more CesarioStella Gonet, Gerard Murphy and full cast1:24
17VIOLA: My father had a daughterStella Gonet, Gerard Murphy and full cast1:15
18Act II Scene 5 Olivia’s garden Enter Sir Toby, Sir Andrew and FabianStella Gonet, Gerard Murphy and full cast1:35
19MALVOLIO: ’Tis but fortune; all is fortuneStella Gonet, Gerard Murphy and full cast10:07
20Act III Scene 1 In Olivia’s orchard Enter Viola and FesteStella Gonet, Gerard Murphy and full cast3:05
21VIOLA: This fellow is wise enoughStella Gonet, Gerard Murphy and full cast1:41
22OLIVIA: Give me your hand sirStella Gonet, Gerard Murphy and full cast3:42
23Act III Scene 2 A room in Olivia’s house Enter Sir Toby, Sir AndrewStella Gonet, Gerard Murphy and full cast4:08
24Act II Scene 3 A street Enter Sebastian and AntonioStella Gonet, Gerard Murphy and full cast2:30
25Act III Scene 4 Olivia’s garden Enter Olivia followed by Maria Stella Gonet, Gerard Murphy and full cast7:30
26FABIAN: More matter for a May morningStella Gonet, Gerard Murphy and full cast2:43
27OLIVIA: I have said too muchStella Gonet, Gerard Murphy and full cast0:45
28SIR TOBY: Gentlemen, God save theeStella Gonet, Gerard Murphy and full cast4:37
29ANTONIO: Put up your swordStella Gonet, Gerard Murphy and full cast4:14
30Act IV Scene 1 The street outside Olivia’s house Enter Sebastian and FesteStella Gonet, Gerard Murphy and full cast2:13
31OLIVIA: I prithee, gentle friend,Stella Gonet, Gerard Murphy and full cast0:59
32Act IV Scene 2 A room in Olivia’s house Enter Maria and Feste Stella Gonet, Gerard Murphy and full cast4:08
33FESTE: Hey Robin, jolly RobinStella Gonet, Gerard Murphy and full cast2:17
34FESTE: I am gone sirStella Gonet, Gerard Murphy and full cast0:26
35Act IV Scene 3 In Olivia’s garden Enter Sebastian Stella Gonet, Gerard Murphy and full cast2:01
36Act V Scene 1 In Olivia’s garden Enter Feste and FabianStella Gonet, Gerard Murphy and full cast4:20
37OLIVIA: What would my Lord, but that he may not haveStella Gonet, Gerard Murphy and full cast3:36
38SIR ANDREW: For the love of God, a surgeon!Stella Gonet, Gerard Murphy and full cast2:36
39SEBASTIAN: Do I stand there? I never had a brother;Stella Gonet, Gerard Murphy and full cast2:53
40OLIVIA: Fetch Malvolio hitherStella Gonet, Gerard Murphy and full cast5:57
41FESTE: When that I was and-a little tiny boy,Stella Gonet, Gerard Murphy and full cast1:50